haute cuisine / ˌoʊt kwɪˈzin; French oʊt kwiˈzin /


haute cuisine 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. fine or gourmet cooking; food preparation as an art.

haute cuisine 近义词

n. 名词 noun

classic french cooking

haute cuisine 的近义词 2

更多haute cuisine例句

  1. But while that level of ‘haute couture’ is building the market, we want to be seen as more prêt-à-porter.
  2. The possibilities of the types of cuisine that can be made are endless once you turn pot into butter (or oil) to cook with.
  3. Ferris credits her books Louisiana Cookery (1954) and New Orleans Cuisine (1969) as exemplars of diligent reporting and research.
  4. Haute Butch is one of a number of new design houses targeting the trans, butch, and androgynous dressers.
  5. [Haute Butch] is stepping into that area with such confidence and they are so non-apologetic.
  6. His examples include the expressions 'coitron de la cuisine,' and 'un quistroun de sa quisyne.'
  7. A poverty of cuisine would have provoked no contrast, and one irony the less would have been offered up to the gods that season.
  8. And, let me tell you, the rural cuisine of France far excels the civic cuisine that we sometimes meet with out of France.
  9. He tells a story of Strozzi himself, from which it appears that his jests lay a good deal in the line of the cuisine.
  10. From the English point of view, there are two kinds of pieces included in the domain of our Haute Comédie.